Monday, November 30, 2009
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I have Big Love for this show.
My best friend and ex-roommate Tina and I began watching HBO's Big Love together back when it first began. We were instantly addicted. I'm all for polyamorous unions and the story's approach never took itself too seriously. The acting talent is everything one could ask for--I mean, Chloe Sevigny in prairie outfits? Genius. I was fortunate enough to attend a screening of the film 'Nine Lives,' from director Rodrigo Garcia (son of famed writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez) my senior year of film school at CSUN. He is an eloquent man, his feet rooted deep in the ground...a man who deeply understands women. In fact, most of his work revolves around female storylines. Anyway, he went on to tell us about writing and directing the pilot for Big Love. I'd never payed attention to the credits, so I was pleasantly surprised. Gave me more reason to adore his work. It's because he understands women so well that Big Love works. Not only are the plot points completely involving in an infamously exclusive world, but the characters are so real sometimes it seems you actually know them.
Dong Wook and I finally got all caught up and finished season 3 last night without even knowing it was the final episode. Thank God it'll be back January 10th. After Avatar premieres, Big Love is next on my horizon.
These things do happen.
What if I don't wanna?
It's time to make a buck and spend that buck on things that matter. Things that last. Homes. Babies. Furniture that pleases our aesthetic. My family would be pleased. I'd be there. I'd be close. I'd be accessible.
It's time to go back to school. It's time to learn again. Exercise my brain. Get the blood flowing north again instead of further south. Crack the spine of those books. Progress. Prepare. Get that Masters. It's passed due.
It's time to get married. Time to pay for a joint living. Time for health insurance. Time for a car you share. One car. Time to become what everyone is supposed to become.
It's time to face the facts. It's time to wise up. Act now before it's too late. Look at what your friends have accomplished. Did you see your cousins new house? Did you hear who had a baby?
What if I don't wanna?
In my (our) near future we have choices. One major one, in fact. What happens after Korea? Where do we go? What do we do? How do we do it? I'm ready to go at any moment. Let's go now!
Here are some possibilities for our future: a) Move somewhere and go to school, together b) Move to the US or Canada and attempt to work c) Stay in Korea d) Save up and travel the world before having to worry about a & b, because we all know c is an impossibility.
What to do, what to do?
Where to go? Here. This is my inspiration...