Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sorry, this is a cop-out

I don't have much time, so I have to recap the last 8 days in the worst way possible: By cutting and pasting an e-mail. The following is an e-mail I sent to my family, which encapsulates the highlights of that last week. I will be more detailed at a later time, if anyone besides me cares. Hey guys!!! So far so good. Africa is incredible and I have seen some rather amazing things. I have also eaten everything from Oryx to Ostrich, and they are soooo good. I thought I was going to lose weight in Africa when in act I am gaining. Oops. I am going to attempt to call you guys today because I am not sure when I will get to call again. The phone situation is a little difficult, and we finally found some Internet after seven days of travel. Just to recap: Day one: We met up at our hotel and had a meeting. Then we all went out for a drink, then went to bed. Day two: We were up early, and I actually called you guys. We drove for a while and it rained the whole time. We stayed at a nice little hostel in the middle of nowhere and played monopoly for like four hours. Day three: It was an early morning, but we moved to the north of South Africa and into Namibia. We stayed at a campground near the border, along the Orange River. It was a beautiful place to camp. It was also my first time in a tent overnight. COLD...but fun. We had an incredible steak and sausage dinner. I have to say, the tour guide/cook makes too much food, and it's damn good + sitting through long drives + rest-stop snacks = me getting fatter. Day four: We woke up early to watch the sunrise over the mountains and then we jumped in the river and had a swim. It was so much fun going down the rapids. Made for some nice bruises. We packed up and moved further north to Fish River Canyon, which could be compared to the Grand Canyon. It's huge, and old, and we watched the sunset there. Then more cold camping. Yay. Day five: We had a loooooong drive where everyone almost killed each other. It was like a 10 hour drive to a place called Soussuvlei, where we finally entered the Nambi desert. At night, it was so dark in the middle of nowhere that we could see the milky way, the black hole, alpha centauri, and venus, among other things. It was the most impressive amount of stars I have ever seen. Like a thin blanket over my head staring at the sun. Day six: We woke up at the butt-crack of dawn to climb dune 45, one of the highest sand dunes in the desert. It was bitterly cold and the air was thin. We made it, and the view was intense. I have pictures, don't worry. Wow!!! We then went into the dunes with a bushman to learn about bushman life. It was incredible. I think I have overcome my fear of bugs by now. Then, we packed up and moved onto Solitaire. There, all we did was tan next to the pool and eat a lot of buttery apple pie. Day seven: We left really again (when I say early, I mean we're waking up at 4am...yes, early). We made it to Swakopmund, where we are now. We arrived at a booking agent who showed us a video of all the things we could do here. I chose quad-driving through the sand dunes and...SKYDIVING!!! Yes, I will be doing that in a few hours time, but I'll get back to that. We are staying in these funny houses that look like roofs. I have pictures. There are six of us per house, but it has been so much fun--like a cabin. We went on the quads and I have a new-found love for riding quads through sand. So much fun, and we saw some incredible landscapes. The desert here is insanely beautiful--especially because it borders the ocean. We all went out for dinner, where we ate too much and then called it a night, knowing we could finally sleep in. Day eight: Sleeping in didn't really work out. We have all been conditioned to be up early, so we were all up before 8am. Everyone went in their own directions to do different activities. My buddies and I went out for our free breakfast, and then shopped around a bit before stumbling into this Internet cafe. Thank Jehovah!!! It's 11:15am here, and we're jumping at 4pm. Almost time!!! If I do splat into the ground, I leave all of my earthly belongings to Sammy (our dog), and my stuff in Korea goes to my hubby, Dong Wook. I love and miss you all so much!!! So many amazing things have occurred over the last 8 days, I wish I could get into it now, but I have to pick up my washing from the cleaners, take a shower, and get ready to jump out of a plane over a vast desert. Also, I had Oryx for dinner and man does it make you wanna poo. The good thing is it's good poo, not travel poo. I wish everyone, wherever you are in the world, well--and I miss you my friends, FAMILY, and my BABE!!! Praise Jehovah for this blessed life and incredible world!!!

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